Check out my blogs for detailed information on cat wellness, plant care, and more!
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Scratching is a natural behavior for cats, but it can wreak havoc on your furniture. This article explores why cats scratch and offers practical solutions to manage this behavior.
From purrs to trills to yowling and everything in-between, some cats can be extremely vocal creatures, but why are they doing it? Are they just being noisy? Are they trying to say something? What can I do if my cat is meowing all the dang time?!
If you’ve ever come face to face with an aggressive cat, you know just how terrifying those cute little things can be! There are many causes of aggression in cats and it’s up to us to pinpoint which type of aggression so we can begin to work on resolving the causes
While 4th of July fireworks are a lot of fun to a lot of folks, they often terrify cats, who have absolutely no clue why a war has broken out around them. Let’s talk about some strategies and products to help your cats feel safe during this holiday and any other loud, chaotic event
Illustration by Holly Lehmann
You beg and plead, but whether it’s 3 am yowling or 5 am paw pokes to the face, your cat just won't let you snooze! Thankfully, there is usually a very simple solution
Humans have tried to cover up the stink of litter boxes by overwhelming our cats with odors, automated apparatuses, and claustrophobia-causing covers. Any one of these things can make your cuties start eliminating outside the box, and isn’t it ironic, don’t ya think? It’s like raaaaeeeeaaaiiiinnnn… Sorry about that.
I think we can all agree that one of the best parts of owning a cat is petting that soft, soft fur, especially that forbidden belly! (not typically a good idea) To your cat though, the experience can often be completely different, even unpleasant. Let’s take a look at why that’s the case and how to make sure you are both enjoying these important, bond-strengthening moments together!
Usually called chirping or chattering, many folks wonder why cats make this noise, but no one is quite sure! Let’s discuss some of the more popular theories
You may be surprised to learn that Lucky Bamboo is not bamboo at all! In fact, it’s more closely related to the Lily, and unlike bamboo, is toxic to cats and dogs
Spider Plants are named after, you guessed it, spiders! When they become mature and store up enough energy, Spider Plants will sprout little cute baby spiderettes on the tips of their leaves, awwwwww!
Just like real spiders, Spider Plants are easy to care for, they reproduce fast, they’re hard to kill, and they make great gifts! 🕷♥
The Nasturtium is native to Central and South America and has both edible leaves and flowers. They have a slight peppery flavor and taste great on salad! Though typically classified as an annual, the Nasturtium is able to live through the winter if kept indoors or in a warm climate
Native to rain forests in Southern Mexico and Guatemala, Parlour Palms can help clean your air and are a nice, grassy snack! Ralphie made me add that last part, but don't listen to him plz 😼
Unique and unusual-looking, String of Pearls plants are easy to care for and propagate. They do look a lot like a beaded necklace, but probably don’t actually wear them like one 📿
Widely known as Daenerys Targaryen’s favorite plant (probably), Dragon Trees are a common and easy-to-care for variety of dracaena, and are hardy, drought-tolerant things. They are hard to murder, help keep your air clean, and can be shaped through pruning and training. Cared for properly, these spiky beauties can reach heights of 10 to 15 feet!
Zebra plants are a jungle plant native to southern Brazil and are named for their dark green, glossy leaves with white veins. Some folks consider Zebra Plants to be finicky and hard to care for, but if you pay attention to their foliage, they are great at communicating their needs. If you take extra care, you can coax a bloom out of them 1-2 times per year, and Ralphie says they look delicious! 😼
Jade Plants are seen by some as a sign of good luck, and are easy to propagate from a leaf or stem cutting, so they make great gifts as well! Unfortunately, they are also toxic to cats and dogs
Lipstick plants are one of my favorites and on top of being non-toxic to cats and dogs, they are quite easy to care for! Click here for more photos of this lovely plant
You beg and plead, but whether it’s 3 am yowling or 5 am paw pokes to the face, your cat just won't let you snooze! Thankfully, there is usually a very simple solution